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Is controlling behaviour domestic abuse?

Domestic abuse covers a variety of different types of behaviour, which extends beyond physical violence to another person. Controlling or coercive behaviour are forms of domestic abuse and are also criminal offences.

Examples of this type of behaviour are monitoring your movements, isolating a person from their friends and family, demeaning a person, taking control of their day to day life such as how a person speaks, what they wear of where they go.

Woman with her head in her hands Married at First Sight couple, Brad & Shona, have recently received advice from their resident experts when they intervened to call out observed controlling behaviour between the couple. In addition, Women’s Aid, released a statement to highlight the importance of TV programmes such as Married at First Sight, being aware of the dynamics of controlling and coercive behaviours, and the importance of these shows sending a clear message that it is wholly unacceptable behaviour.

At David Gray we have an experienced domestic abuse team who can advise you on an urgent basis about your difficulties. We can provide you with representation at court, if an application for a Non Molestation Order is required. We have a legal aid contract and can assess you for legal aid eligibility.

Our lawyers have extensive experience in this area of family law and can help you. Contact Louise at Louise.Law@davidgray.co.uk or 0191 243 8163 who will find the right family lawyer to help you.

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