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Remember, remember the 25th of November



An estimated 1.4 million women and 700,000 men in the UK have suffered domestic abuse in the last year. That’s about 3.5% of the population. Makes you think doesn’t it?
That’s why we’re supporting “White Ribbon Day”, an annual event held on the 25th November inspired by the White Ribbon Pledge lead by men to end domestic abuse against women. This year is particularly significant as it marks the 10 year anniversary of the campaign.
At David Gray Solicitors we know that domestic abuse is common, and that it happens in close relationships. We also know that domestic abuse is perpetrated by both men and women who come from all social, ethnic, religious and economic backgrounds.
The build up to White Ribbon Day starts a week long campaign during which the public (particularly men and boys) are urged to wear a white ribbon as a personal pledge never to condone, take part in or remain silent about domestic abuse against women.
The campaign aims to raise awareness of the issue and educate the public as to why some men commit domestic abuse. It also promotes what all men can do to stop domestic abuse. By challenging gender stereotypes, challenging negative representations of women and supporting women’s organisations, men can help to reduce the incidences of domestic violence.
Across South Tyneside, young males aged between 11–19 have already been lending their support by making over 600 white ribbons to wear and raise much needed funds to help tackle domestic abuse.
The date also coincides with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women raising awareness that women around the world are subject to rape, domestic abuse and other forms of violence. A primary aim of the day is to highlight the scale and true extent of domestic abuse, which is often hidden.
If you’re a victim of domestic violence, we know that asking for help can be difficult and daunting. At David Gray Solicitors we have many years of experience helping people just like you: people who are struggling to come to terms with their situation; People who don’t know who to turn to for help.
We pride ourselves on providing the very best legal advice possible. In fact, we’ve won awards for the work we do. Our team of experts are friendly, approachable and sensitive. We don’t just offer legal advice, we can put you in touch with other organisations who can help you. So if you are experiencing domestic abuse and want help, please contact Louise Law in confidence to see how we can help you. You can contact her discreetly via our website or call her on 0191 243 8163

Remember:you’re not alone.

If you want to support White Ribbon Day please wear your white ribbon on the 25th November and make a stand against domestic violence.

To make your White Ribbon Pledge click here

If you want to learn more on the subject, the Durham University Centre for Research into Violence and Abuse is  hosting an event on Monday, 7th December with US-based activist and educator Tony Porter. Tony Porter is internationally recognised for his work in preventing violence against women, and is well known for his popular Ted Talk, A Call to Men. To find out more about his public lecture click here

This week Resolution, the family law organisation, has released a new guide  to advise parents on difficult divorce situations including domestic abuse which can be found online.

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