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Our specialist team of personal immigration solicitors can advise on all aspects of UK personal immigration law including family, private life, EU and citizenship applications, student and visitor visas, and challenging removal or deportation.

We understand that dealing with immigration law can be extremely stressful, costly, and complex.

We offer a high quality, professional and friendly service. Our clear and accessible advice at every stage of a case will help you achieve the best possible outcome from initial consultation through each stage of the process towards achieving Indefinite Leave to Remain and British Citizenship.

UK immigration law is an ever-changing landscape so it is vital to ensure you have the most up-to-date information in order to make the right decisions for you and your family.

We offer initial advice on options, assistance with applications, and support with challenging Home Office decisions, including appeals, Administrative Review and Judicial Review. We can also arrange legal representation for you before tribunals and courts.

Our team can advise on all personal immigration matters including:

Legal Aid – please note that legal aid is not available for personal or business immigration cases. We do not hold a Legal Aid contract for asylum and do not undertake asylum work.

Our immigration accreditations

Bryony Rest, our Head of department, is ranked in Tier 2 nationally for personal immigration in Chambers and Partners and supervises our immigration team so you can be assured your immigration case is in safe, experienced hands.

We are active Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association (ILPA) members. Bryony Rest is a co-convenor of ILPA’s Family and Personal Immigration Working Group and also the Yorkshire & North East Working group. She is also a guest speaker on ILPA courses and conferences.

Contact Us

You can talk to us by telephone on 0191 232 9547 (ext. 2306) or contact us by email at immigration.enquiries@davidgray.co.uk

We are able to provide you with advice on UK immigration law in a manner that suits you best – whether in person, via videocall (Teams), by email or telephone – wherever you are in the world.

Alternatively, you can book an appointment and visit us at one of our North East offices:


56 Westgate Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 5XU

South Shields:

142 Fowler Street, South Shields, Tyne & Wear, NE33 1PZ

Our Fees

In accordance with rules published by the SRA, as of December 2018 all firms offering this type of work must publish details of prices and personnel undertaking the work.  Please see our dedicated fees page for more information.

The David Gray Personal Immigration Team

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