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You can contact us on 0191 232 9547 and our reception team will direct you to the right place. If you have the extension number of the person you’d like to speak to they have recently changed and now start with 2 instead of 1. E.g. previously ext. no. 1803 is now 2803.


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Business as usual!

Regular visitors into Newcastle may have noticed there are extensive renovations going on in the building near our office.

The Wetherspoons Mile Castle closed on June 24 and is due to reopen on September 3 after extensive remodelling of the bar and outdoor area.

However, please be assured we are open and operating business as usual but if you are visiting us please take care as there are fences and people working outside nearby.

For more information: https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/wetherspoons-investing-5m-creating-newcastle-29116819



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