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News - Page 2

All content is subject to changes in the law. For the most up to date advice, call us on 0191 232 9547.

Helping local charities

#TeamDG have been out and about lately supporting many causes close to our hearts and raising money for charity. First up was the annual Chronicle Sunshine Run which turns Newcastle…

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David Gray are green!

We are pleased our recent CO2 web check up shows we are in the top 15% of websites. While there is always more to do we are pleased to…

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All Change!

This month it is all change at David Gray Solicitors as we continue investing in our next generation via our successful trainee solicitor programme. Firstly, may we congratulate

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Thank you Emma!

Congratulations and huge thanks to Emma Silburn who celebrates 15 years with David Gray this week. Emma heads up our Mental Health and

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Promotion for Anne

Well done to Anne Austin who was recently promoted to Head of Residential Conveyancing here at David Gray. Anne will oversee a team who primarily assist people with buying and…

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Congratulations Louise!

Our lovely Family Law CRM Louise Law celebrates 10 years with the firm this week. We’d like to say a huge thank you to Louise for her hard work and…

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Well done Gael!

Congratulations to Gael from our family team on gaining her Children Law Accreditation from The Law Society. Well done Gael!

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Congratulations Sukhi!

Congratulations to Sukhi who has passed her mediation accreditation after lots of hard work, studying and supervision. Well done Sukhi, very well deserved.

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