The Care Programme Approach (CPA) is used to assess the health and social care needs of mental health patients; the approach agrees a care plan in conjunction with the patient to best aid their recovery.
You will have a care coordinator allocated as part of this process. They might be a social worker, community psychiatric nurse (CPN) or an occupational therapist. They will work with you to write a ‘care plan’, which should include things such as accommodation, medication, therapy, employment/training, and details of what to do in a crisis among other things.
CPA meetings should also be held by your multi-disciplinary team (involving different types of professionals) whilst you are in hospital. They should be held regularly to review and monitor your needs, clinical progress and implementation of the care plan. If appropriate a solicitor can attend these meetings with you or in your place. An Independent Mental Health Advocate may also be able to attend with you if you have one.
If you need help and advice with CPA meetings contact our experienced mental health specialists in our Newcastle upon Tyne or South Shields offices.